British number Print E-mail
GlobalCell subscribers have an opportunity to have UK number (+44..) on the SIM-card with Estonian number, which can be used in more than 200 countries of the world.
Cost of incoming call on your British number for subscribers  of GlobalCell   consist 0.25 USD only first minute, all next will be free  in a country where incoming call is free.
You can select and fix your outgoing calls to recipients by your Estonian or British number, for this you may call number from  GlobalCell: 
  • *146*300# - check status
  • *146*301# - outgoing call by Estonian number (+372)
  • *146*302# - outgoing call by British number (+44)
British number costs 10 GEL and service fee is $5 monthly. Monthly service fee will be charged in advance, before the beginning of the billing month from GlobalCell international number balance. In case if service fee cannot be charged till the beginning of the billing month (because of an insufficient balance on GlobalCell international number), British number will be deactivated.
In case of willing to buy or deactivate British number, please, visit our office or send us an appropriate request on our E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
In order to receive additional information, please, contact our call center: 11 00 07 or +995 322 420 200

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