Personal Data Protection Print E-mail
14:03 - 21.05.2024
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In order to study the lawfulness of personal data processing, the Personal Data Protection Service completed another unscheduled check (inspection) of GlobalCell LTD.
Within the framework of this check, GlobalCell LTD's compliance with the requirements defined by the law of Georgia on Personal Data Protection was studied, including the subjects of protecting new regulations implemented from March 1, 2024 and compliance of company's activities with the legislation.
Unscheduled check was completed by a special inspection group of 15 members, created on the base of the order # B / 0310 - 2024 by the Personal Data Protection Service on April 5, 2024.
As a result of the inspection, the Personal Data Protection Service did not reveal any violations and/or misconducts of the regulations, requirements and obligations defined by the legislation.
We remind you that one of the most fundamental principles for GlobalCell LTD in any process of carrying out our activities is to protect the best standards related to customer rights, including the full, faithfull and inviolate protection of both national (domestic) and international legal acts and regulations in the field of personal data protection.


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